Save the date

8th ANnual holiday marketplace

November 09, 2024

10 am - 3 pm
Christ Lutheran Church


categories of our

2024 local Pennsylvania artisans



beauty & wellness

mixed media



home decor



raffle baskets for a

Good Cause 


Each time you purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win a beautiful basket, you are donating to a charity. This year’s charity is the Garden of Health, Inc

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Event Activities


Photos with Santa

Avoid the Santa lines at the mall, and send out your Christmas cards early!

Pie Sale

No time to bake that holiday pie this year? Buy one of our delicious homemade pies and freeze it for your special family event. Of course, you can skip the freezer, and eat it right away!


Specialty Food Trucks

Take a break from shopping and treat yourself to a snack to keep you moving through your list.



Explore our raffle corner with extra goodies to gift or to keep for yourself.



invite your shopping buddy

Holiday Marketplace was a great way to get started on my holiday shopping. There were lots of beautiful and unique gift ideas. Fun time and for a good cause!
— Linda, Shopper

 our location

christ lutheran church

Conveniently located just off the turnpike at exit 31. Free parking available in the church lot.